It’s A Diff-Ability Not A Disability So Embrace It All -
You Are Perfect Just As You Are
Neurodiversity is a term originally coined by Australian sociologist, Judy Singer and “is an argument for the conservation and facilitation of human diversity”
Neurodivergent is the umbrella term to describe people with variation in their mental functions and can include conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other neurological or developmental conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
According to Singer, embracing neurodiversity provides an opportunity for society to learn more about individuals whose brain operates in a way that is different to what is considered typical.
It challenges us to look outside the box at how we present information and embrace diversity and differences rather than categorize it as problematic.
Everyone’s brain functions differently which means that everyone has a combination of abilities and needs unique to them.
Neurodiversity is “the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one ‘right’ way of thinking, learning and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits,” according to Harvard Health.
While the “average” person may progress from childhood meeting societal milestones, there are many who operate outside these parameters.
Whether by a slight or significant degree brain functions outside the norm are classed as neurodivergent.[i]
What Are Some Examples Of A Neurodivergent Condition?
The following are some mental health conditions that fall into the neurodivergent category:
ADHD. Individuals may have difficulties holding their attention and managing thoughts, behaviours and emotions.
Autism. or spectrum disorder may include the following symptoms:
challenges with socializing and social skills
repetitive behaviours and
trigger speech difficulties
nonverbal communication
Dyslexia. confusion with letters and word organization or pronunciation
Dyscalculia. confusion when reading numbers and symbols
Dysgraphia. unusual pencil grip and body position when writing, illegible handwriting and an aversion to writing or drawing.
Down’s Syndrome. where an extra chromosome changes the body and brain development and may lead to mental and physical challenges.
“Each of these conditions mentioned above leads to an individual processing
and communicating information
in a unique way,” says Dr Vandana.[ii]
Is Neurodivergence Diagnosable?
“Neurodivergence is a social theory, not a diagnosis,” explains Dr Laura Boxley[i].
“You can choose to identify yourself as neurodivergent, but you should not unilaterally assign other people the label of neurodivergent.
Not all individuals with a medical diagnosis like autism or ADHD self-identify as neurodivergent. There is also no standard for a ‘neurotypical brain.”
What Are the Treatments For Neurodivergence?
Since neurodivergence is not a diagnosis, there are no treatments for it.
There are, however, treatments for certain conditions neurodivergent individuals may have, such as those listed above.
Chiropractic therapy for example can greatly improve many of the symptoms of autism. While there is no known cure for autism, the management of symptoms allows patients to live happier and more fulfilling lives.
This of course makes sense when you consider chiropractic therapy focuses on the central nervous system (CNS) which is the neural processing centre for the entire body.
When we have subluxations or misalignments in the spine then communications between the CNS and the rest of the body are disrupted.
Important messages are not transmitting as they should.
To read more on the effect of chiropractic on brain function go to
The chiropractic goal is to restore optimum communication between the central nervous system and the rest of the body and this fits perfectly in autism treatments as many forms of Autism drastically affect the central nervous system.
Chiropractic is an all-natural therapy and sits well as an adjunct in treatment regimens for autism.
Chiropractic treatment on the upper cervical spine corrects the alignment at the top of the neck, which means that neurons from the brain and body can communicate as they should.
Misalignment of the upper cervical spine disrupts communications between the brain and body.
Disruption of communication between the brain and the body is a major contributor to the incorrect signals being sent in autism spectrum disorder.
In many forms of Autism distorted sensory information is being communicated between neurons.
This is why Chiropractic Care can be extremely beneficial to these patients.
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_____________________________________________________________________________ [i] Laura Boxley, PhD, the director of Clinical Neuropsychology Training in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at The Ohio State University College of Medicine
[i] [ii] Pankhuree Vandana, M.D., a pediatric psychiatrist and medical director at the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.